Science is defined as the observation, identification, description experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. It is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: thus understood, study of science is always accompanied with experiments to reinforce the hypotheses and therefore laboratories are indispensable Jupiter degree college has to its credit fully fledged laboratories for all the subject of science.
Our physics lab is well furnished with all the equipment necessary for conducting experiments. As we offer physics honours courses, we have ensured that the lab is full-fledged for the purpose it has to serve.
Chemistry is a subdiscipline of science that deals with the study of matter and the substances. The purpose of the laboratory component of the course is several-fold. It reins forces the material one has learnt in class and it given one a chance applies one’s knowledge. With this in view our chemistry lab is to be seen to be believed conducting experiments and barring thereby is a pleasant experience here.
Zoology is an incredibly fascinating field of study, because it is so fundamental to our world. Zoology Plays an important role in everybody’s life and touches at most every aspect of our existence in some way and hence, a lab for Zoology is essential for the purpose of this branch of science serves. Our biology lab is one of its kinds to help the avid learners in every way.
We are living in a digital world and an age of information technology that has made rapid strides during the last some years. Hence, the importance if IT lab can never be undermine under any circumstance. Our IT lab is one among the best in Odisha. Being fully air conditioned it makes this technologically easy to handle and fun to learn.