Jupiter Degree College

Commerce is JDC’s Center of Excellence

We are committed to integrate all facets of commerce and management to educate and train innovative and competent human resource globally suitable for industry, business and service sector and to equip and encourage them to start with their own ventures in urban or rural areas benefitting both classes and masses.


  • Jupiter College of commerce takes pride in its professional and highly qualified faculty.
  • Commerce as a career can lead a student to success in different fields like CA/CS/ Finance /Banking/ insurance or they can be great future entrepreneurs.
  • The college with Modern infrastructure and latest technology provides Accounting and Management as honours subjects.
  • Jupiter aims at creating professionals who will be committed to excellence in their personal and professional endeavours by adopting the best of industrial practices with a keen focus on Research and Consultancy programs.
  • In addition to curriculum, we prepare students for competitive exams like banking / SSCX/ Railway/ Secondary higher education.
  • Jupiter College of Commerce provides a familiar and homely environment for students where they directly get connected with teachers with elementary approach in teaching learning process.

We follow CBCS curriculum as prescribed by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.

We offer Honours teaching in the following subject: Commerce

In addition to these, we teach respective Generic Elective subjects:

AECC- Ability Enhancement compulsory courses

SEC-Skill Enhancement Course

DSE- Discipline specific elective

  • Conceptual mode of teaching and learning.
  • Regular doubt clearing and revision classes.

Our designed curriculum ensures student’s success in university examinations and in higher education competitive exams such as CAT, MAT, CA Foundation and CMA Foundation.

Our learned faculty members provide high quality lecture notes as per our curriculum these are designed to clear concepts and top-level performance in academic and competitive exam.

At Jupiter Degree College we follow continuous and comprehensive evolution  system. Results are communicated to parents.

  • Regular Unit Tests
  • Surprise Test
  • Mid Semester Examinations
  • VST- for every semester
  • Regular practical evaluation

There might be slow learners and for them we hold classes to boost up their scores.

Some may miss classes due to unforeseen reasons and remedial classes are held to help them catch up.

This is an important aspect of any educational institute and JDC doesn’t lose sight of this. We take adequate care of each student and their academic performance. Hence each student is assigned to a teacher when ensures the student’s academic upliftment through frequent interaction, motivation and addressing all the issues that may dent the student’s interest in studies.

We provide regular classes for competitive examination like banking, SSC, Railway, etc.

  • Regular Classes for logical Reasoning, Competitive math, English and General Knowledge.
  • Faculty members are invited from leading national level tutorials.